DIG 2019 extra workshops

Ed Greenburg
This workshop will explore the origins of long form improvisation - the birth of "Harold" - its evolution to date, and some future potentialities. Through games, scene work, and long form jams, we'll take a deep dive into Del Close's vision: to create a theatrical art form that gives actors the time and space to explore any theme in depth from multiple perspectives. We'll address the value of "playing the silences," the origins of concepts like "follow the fear," and new ways to bring your own life and stories to the stage. A central goal will be to challenge players to make choices outside of their normal "go to's" (new games designed for this purpose will be used). And, Del's tenet to create comedy based on real people behaving honestly will be very much in the mix.

ED GREENBERG directed America's foremost improvisational comedy theater, "The Second City". He's directed iconic American comedy performers Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, and Dan Castellaneta (the voice of Homer Simpson). Ed has taught acting and comedy performance at USC School of Cinematic Arts, UCLA and Pasadena Community College. Through Laughter for a Change

(www.laughterforachange.org), a non-profit that he founded, Ed brings the healing power of laughter and play through improv to post-genocide Rwandan youth, former gang members and combat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress.

************************************************* Prerequisite: SIT students Level "fokus" and ITS students "level 3" or above Discount: 150 kr for SIT and ITS students. Use code "ed-august" when signing up.


Sarah Caroline Kenter
This workshop offers an introduction to IFT, IMPROVISATION FIELD TECHNIQUE'S fundamental principles of scenic energy fields and improvised dialogue.
The technique is founded on the philosophical, spiritual and scientific thought that everything is connected.

IFT gives you the tool to connect with words/dialogue that are anchored in an emotion rather than being a product of an idea.

It takes trust and training to go on stage without a conscious intention. You might just love it or you might feel fear and stress and try to gain control (pleasing, joking, speed talking or freezing).

There is room for all, and Sarah will guide you past mental noise and emotional confusion so you can experience clear impulses and let the intuitive intelligence lead the way.

SARAH CAROLINE KENTER founded the professional theatre ensemble FELT in 2014 and has since then been teaching actors at IFT workshops and acting students at Copenhagen Film & Theatre School and Nordiska Teaterskolan (Kungälv). She studied theatre, creativity, voice, improvisation and energy constellations at Center for Creativity and Theatre. She is a certified reflexologist with exams in anatomy and physiology; a trained psychotherapist, and holds a master's degree in theology from University of Copenhagen. Therefore body, mind, emotion and spirituality are naturally and closely connected in the improvisation method that she has developed, Improvisation Field Technique (IFT).

************************************************* Prerequisite: SIT students Level "fokus" and ITS students "level 3" or above

Discount: 300 kr for SIT and ITS students. Use code "IFT-august" when signing up.


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Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Sigtunagatan 12
113 22 Stockholm
00 46 8 30 62 42