improv courses in english in Stockholms Improvisationsteater


Stockholms Improvisationsteater (SIT) is the largest and oldest improv theatre in the Nordics. This year we celebrate our 32-year anniversary!
Our theatre is located in central Stockholm, between Odenplan and St. Eriksplan.
The theatre offers over 50 different courses every year, with a total of approx. 900 student spaces.

Free try-out Improv!

Level 1
Level 2
DUO - make a show, an advanced course for two

Try improv for a day
Improv singing for everybody
Workshop: Make the scene glow
The art of being present
The Art of Longform with Katarina Wahlberg

Calendar - shows both in Swedish and English
Rookies and Class shows in Swedish and English
Our imporv teachers
Shows in English
Our teachers


Free try-out Improv

Are you interested in improv but am unsure if it's right for you? Then come to one of our drop-ins! During one hour, you get to try out some basic improv games in a safe and fun environment. We may not be able to guarantee that improv is right for you, but we guarantee that you will have a fun one-hour, with lots of laughter. Welcome!

Free try-out session
Date: 2024-05-21
Weekday: Tuesday
Teacher:Stefan Andersson
Time: 19.45 - 20.45
Price: 0 kr
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's Studion, between Sigtunagatan 12 and Sigtunagatan 14


Free try-out session
Date: 2024-06-04
Weekday: Tuesday
Teacher:Stefan Andersson
Time: 19.45 - 20.45
Price: 0 kr
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's Studion, between Sigtunagatan 12 and Sigtunagatan 14


Improv in English Level 1

In a level 1 course we, through play, introduce the basics of improvisational theatre. Different games and exercises are used as we work on areas such as imagination, spontaneity and teamwork. This is an excellent course if you want to become more confident when speaking in public, want to develop your imagination and creativity, or just want to have a lot of fun once a week.

Prerequisite: No prior experience required..

Course no
: 2443
Improv in English Level 1
Occasions: 7
Date: 2024-05-07 - 2024-06-18
Weekday: Tuesday
Time: 17.30 - 19.30
Teacher: Stefan Andersson
Price: 2675 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's STUDION
Address: between Sigtunagatan 14 and Sigtunagatan 12



Improv in English Level 2

In Levzel 2, we continue our work with the improvisers eight fundamental skills. We will use different techniques to create exciting scenes and develop a range of characters. More time is also given to reflect on the different skills and on the scene work.

Prerequisite: At least one level 1 course or equivalent.

Course no
: 2444
Improv in English Level 2
Occasions: 7
Date: 2024-05-06 - 2024-06-17
Weekday: Monday
Time: 17.30 - 19.30
Teacher: Stefan Andersson
Price: 2675 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteaters' STUDION
Address: between Sigtunagatan 12 and Sigtunagatan 14
Please email to be put on the reserve list




Try improv for a day

Are you curious about improv?
Then come and try improv for a whole day.
We can guarantee that you will have a fun day with lots of laughter..

Prerequisite: None

Course no
: 2459
Try improv for a day
Occasions: 1
Date: 2024-06-08
Weekday: Saturday
Time: 10.00-16.00
Teacher:Viktor Öberg
Price: 995 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's STUDION
Address: between Sigtunagatan 14 and Sigtunagatan 12



Improv singing for everybody

Keen on trying out improv singing?
Or are you a seasoned improv singer who just yearn for more?
During three summer nights we burst into improvised songs under the friendly and inspiring direction of Caroline Falk.

Prerequisite: all levels

Course no
: 2460
Improv singing for everybody
Occasions: 3
Date: 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-19
Weekday: Monda y- Wednesday
Time: 18.00-21.00
Teacher: Caroline Falk
Price: 1795 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's "Annexet"
Address: between Sigtunagatan 16 and Sigtunagatan 18



Workshop: Make the scene glow

This workshop will focus on portraying real characters on stage and exploring their relationships through scene work.
Together, we will work on being open, honest and simple on stage, using different techniques.
We will do work from the inside in order to discover ways to use ourselves, our stories and memories to develop characters and directions on stage. Also we will use physical work to find out who we become when we twist and turn our bodies in ways we do not usually do.

Prepare to be a challenged and have loads of fun!

Prerequisite: At least level 2 or equivalent.

Course no
: 2458
Workshop: Make the scene glow
Occasions: 1
Date: 2024-06-08
Weekday: Saturday
Time: 10.00-16.00
Teacher: Linda Gustafsson
Price: 1295 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater's "Annexet"
Address: between Sigtunagatan 16 and Sigtunagatan 18



The art of being present

This is your course if you are keen to explore how to stay in the moment!
Being present is certainly a challenge for most of us in our daily lives. We are always on our way, our schedules are full of appointments.

In improv we also struggle with being present in the moment, i.e. the fundamental part of improv. When in stress playing a scene, we desperately try to understand what we have to do, to sort out who we are and what´s really going on? We say the joke that dissolves the moment, or our minds go into super speed and we produce an overwhelmingly amount of ideas and words.

In this workshop we will do exercises that help us stay in the moment.
We will look deeper into finding scenes with believable relationships and exciting characters.
We are going to examine how we can stay connected with our fellow improviser.
Slowly we can master the instant without losing contact with our bodies or partners on stage.

Prerequisite: at least Level 2 or higher

Course no
: 2457
The art of being present
Occasions: 3
Date: 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-18
Weekday: Tuesdays
Time: 18.00-21.00
Teacher:Per Gottfredsson
Price: 1575 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Address: Sigtunagatan 12



The Art of Longform with Katarina Wahlberg

This weekend workshop will give you a collection of different tools and skills that you need to do great longform. We will be working on different scene edits and fun ways to move a story forward (or backward). We’ll also explore different longform formats, such as La Ronde and free form.

Prerequisite: At least level 3 or equivalent.

Course no
: 2461
The Art of Longform with Katarina Wahlberg
Occasions: 2
Date: 2024-07-06 - 2024-07-07
Weekday: Saturday - Sunday
Time: 10.00-16.00
Teacher: Katarina Wahlberg
Price: 2795 SEK
Premises: Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Address: Sigtunagatan 12



DUO - make an improv show show for two

Here you get the opportunity to realize your own performance ideas together with someone you enjoy playing with on stage.It is also a real challenge for your character work, storytelling, stage production and your stage presence.
This course requires a strong self-drive and commitment.

The course is aimed at you who are an experienced improviser and now want to take the next step in your development. We recommend that you have at least 6 semesters of improv experience.

Course: DUO- make an improv show show for two
Occasions: 6 x 2-hour session with your director
Performances: 2 (during the winterof 2023/spring 2024)
Premises: The stage or any other premises of Stockholms Improvisatinsteater(It will also possible to borrow premises at the theater for your own rehearsals without your director.)

The director is Per Gottfredsson or Janne Berg, co-owners of Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Price: 5750 kr
Start: By agreement with your director

Application: Please send your expression of interest to where you tell us about yourself and your improv background and who you would like as your director.


The teachers of our Improv Courses in English:

Angelica Conradi Regnell
Angelica loves meeting other people and seeing them develop. She has been improvising since 2009.For her, improv is a place where everything is possible and where it is allowed to fail. The most important thing for Angelica as an educator is that everyone should feel safe and have fun.

Caroline Falk
Caroline works full time at Stockholms Improvisationsteater. She has been working as a music teacher for many years, sings in Tensta Gospel Choir and loves to teach improvised singing


Cynthia Morissette
Cynthia has been improvising since birth. She discovered how to do it in a more organized fashion in a university basement in Boston. Since then, she has been doing so and teaching it in some fashion for over 20 years. She enjoys seeing people discover improv in their own basement – an actual basement (the most common space one can find people doing improv around the world) or a metaphorical one. Come let loose and rediscover the joy of play where rules are negotiable, and points don't matter.


Gustaf Blix,
Gustaf är musiker med över 15 års erfarenhet inom flera olika genrer på flera olika instrument, och har dessutom en kandidat i klassisk komposition. Han är också ibland med som skådespelare under improvisationsföreställiningar. English Gustaf is a musician with over 15 years of experience across multiple genres on muliple instruments, and holds a Bachelor of Music in Classical Composition. In addition, he sometimes also joins as an actor during improv shows.


Eva Löfgren
Eva is an experienced leader and improviser who has led courses in improvisation theatre at different levels for many years. In her leadership, she focuses on creating a well-functioning group that has fun together. Eva is keen to adapt leadership to what the unique group will achieve together. She likes to work to find the space for audience feelings and fantasies, the complexity of characters and their relationships, as well as music and movement.

Janne Berg
Janne Berg is one of Sweden's most experienced with over 28 years of professional experience as a teacher, director and improviser. He is one of the owners of Stockholm's Improvisation Theater


Jeff Graham
Jeff got bitten by the improv bug when a stranger on the streets of London approached him asking for directions to what turned out to be an improv drop-in. Following this chance discovery his improv addiction led him to train and perform with theatres in London, New York and now Stockholm. Passionate about improv and a self-confessed comedy geek, Jeff is committed to spreading the joy and freedom of improvised performance in his teaching.


Linda Gustafsson
Linda is an actor, improviser, and pedagogue who over the years has taught many highly appreciated courses at Stockholms Improvisationsteater. She has also played a lot of impro and directed. She's now back at our theatre after a couple of years at Västerbottensteatern in Skellefteå and is longing to teach again! Linda is a perceptive and empathic teacher with a broad knowledge in improvised theatre. Focus is on creating safe groups where the members together can achieve greatness – and of course have a ton on fun together! When it comes to longform her approach is to create engaging characters in grounded scenes and stitching it together to a captivating story!


Katarina Wahlberg
Katarina Wahlberg is a self-proclaimed improv nerd. Her improv journey started in 2001 and through the years she has immersed herself into several different styles and schools of improv in Stockholm and New York. Katarina is a co-founder of International Theater Stockholm, a member of the duo Kat & Josh and co-author of the Visual Guide to Improv


Michael Håkansson
Michael Håkansson stumbled on improv around 13 years ago, and he has been falling deeper ever since. As a teacher Michael will always try to find a balance between complete silliness and drama, between total unbridled freedom and feedback, and between playing as a group and the individual expression. Michael has been teaching courses at all levels at SIT and will get up on stage as soon as there is an opportunity. Currently in the shows Hotpot and Smak at Stockholms Improvisationsteater and with the groups Köttet and Plausible Productions.


Pau Drzastwa
Pau Drzastwa - loves to combine everything with music and see how it works. Pau is an improviser, producer, theatrologist, graduate of the Improv School in Warsaw and iO West in LA. In Warsaw, she was a member of the Experimental Choir Gre Badanie and an actress of the theater/music project The Chorus of Women, based on the concept of an ancient Greek chorus.


Per Gotftredsson
Per is the artistic director at, and one of three owners of, Stockholms Improvisationsteater. Per has more than 25 years experience as an improvisor, teacher and director, both in Sweden and internationally.


Stefan Andersson
Stefan is an improviser, teacher, and artistic director who started improvising over 17 years ago and has international improv experience from ten different countries. His philosophy is that learning improv should be fun and that the best way to learn the art form is through lots of joy and laughter. Seeing students grow and evolve beyond what they at first thought was possible is what drives him and what he loves the most about teaching.

Tamara Maasdam
Tamara is an improviser and teacher with an endless desire to explore and learn new things. For her, improv is at its best when drama and comedy meet and when improvisers can make her both laugh and cry in the same show. As a coach, Tamara brings heart, laughter, energy, passion, and curiosity to the classroom. Tamara's classes consist of a good dose of fun and silliness as well as constructive feedback in order to grow as a group as well as individually.



Improv courses in English
Improv shows in English
FAQ improv courses
Our teachers of improv in English
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Improv Shows in Swedish
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Stockholms Improvisationsteater
Sigtunagatan 12, 113 22 Stockholm 08 - 30 62 42

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